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WGU D322 – How to Pass the Introduction to IT Quickly

Welcome to your ultimate guide on how to pass the Introduction to IT WGU D322 OA! Whether you’re navigating the module structure at Western Governors University for the first time or you’re nearing graduation, this article is designed to provide you with all the resources and insights you need. We understand the challenges that come with mastering a complex subject like Introduction to IT, and our goal is to make your learning journey as smooth and effective as possible. In the coming sections, we will cover:

So, whether you’re a newcomer or an experienced student, take this advice to heart, and prepare to achieve your best in the D322 course. Let’s dive into the essential strategies and tips that will help you excel!


About the Module WGU D322 and What to Expect 📖

Welcome to Introduction to Information Technology (IT), a first course where students will be introduced to the sheer spectrum of IT and how it is becoming increasingly central to business organizations. Throughout this module, the students will learn about different IT specializations such as systems and services, network and security, script and code, data and business of information. Reflecting upon these areas of study, a student will be able to comprehend how information technology promotes the achievement of corporate objectives, helps to increase productivity and profitability. 

In Introduction to IT, students can expect to explore the intricate interplay between hardware, software, and human capital within an operational IT system. Through a survey of technologies in each discipline, students will learn how these components interact with one another and with the broader business context. From understanding the functionalities of operating systems and databases to examining network structures and communication protocols, students will acquire the foundational knowledge necessary to navigate the dynamic landscape of information technology.

As students embark on their journey through Introduction to IT, they are encouraged to engage actively with course materials, participate in discussions, and seek clarification on any concepts or topics that may require further exploration. By embracing a proactive approach to learning and leveraging the resources provided, students will be well-prepared to succeed in this module and lay the groundwork for further exploration in the field of information technology.

Through this module you will gain the following competencies;

Competency 1.1: Explains Computer Technologies
Competency 1.2: Describes Data Management
Competency 1.3: Identify Software Components
Competency 1.4: Identifies Hardware Components
Competency 1.5 Describes Networks
Competency 1.6: Describes programming languages
Competency 1.7: Describes IT Department
Competency 1.8: Evaluates Ethical Concerns

Study guide for acing the OA 📝

The comprehensive study guide we present to you involves going through many different resources to give you the best study path through the course content of this module. The only advice you should know before starting is to take your time to go through every one of the steps we have laid down for you. Everyone has a different learning pace, so do not worry about the timeline. Take all the time you need to grasp the course content to achieve your best in the Objective Assessment of D322.

Step 1

In the initial step of the study guide, we will directly start going through the course materials of D322. As this course is an introduction to the world of IT, there are no prerequisites you should need to go through. So let us utilize the Textbook provided by WGU to go through the course content. Instead of skimming through the book, take your time to clearly understand each and every concept that is been discussed. Make sure you commit the information to memory and you are able to put the knowledge you have gained into practice.

While you read through the Textbook, we recommend that you take short notes on the key concepts of the module. These short notes will help you in the later stages to revise each topic before taking the assessments. Also, make sure to attend the end-of-topic quizzes on each topic to evaluate the knowledge that you just gained.

To find the Textbook;

  • Go to the Student Portal of WGU > Log onto your profile > Go to the D322 module page > Click on the “Study Materials” button  > Click the button “Start Course”

Step 2

Once you complete the Textbook, we will strengthen the knowledge you have gained by going through the course content once again using a different study resource. For this step, we will choose the recorded cohort sessions covering the topics of the Textbook as our study material. These videos can be found in the “Course Search” section of the module and it will allow you to learn the material from a different perspective. These videos are presented by the course instructors of the module, so you will get a chance to deep dive into each topic and also learn tips and tricks to use in the assessments as well. As the course instructors are well experienced in the module, they will teach you the course contents focused on the OA. You will get to know which topics hold the most significance in the assessments and what type of questions you will be facing.

To find the Videos;

  • Go to the Student Portal of WGU > Log onto your profile > Go to the C233 module page > Click on the “Course Search” button > Find and open the link “Introduction to IT Supplemental Instructor Course Videos”

Step 3

Now that you have gained the knowledge required to attempt the OA, let us evaluate what you have learned and how much you have memorized. In this step, we will go through several activities to put your knowledge into practice and gain experience to ensure your success in the OA.

  1. First, navigate to the below page to find a list of key concepts that you should know to attempt the OA. Go through the document and answer each question to revise your memory of these key concepts.
  2. Go to the Student Portal of WGU > Log onto your profile > Go to the C233 module page > Click on the “Course Search” button > Find and open the link “Introduction to IT Resource Page”
  3. Secondly, we recommend you attempt some practice questions to prepare yourself for the challenge ahead. To acquire these practice questions, get in touch with your course instructor and request them for “Practice tests A, B, C and D”. We have provided the links to Practise tests A and B below just in case.

Practice Test A – Link

Practice Test B – Link

  1. Go through the External Resources section of this article to find additional reading material and quizlets to help you gain a deeper understanding of the key concepts.

Step 4

In this step, we will go through the final preparation for the OA. The WGU provided mock assessment; the Pre-A is a valuable tool that you can use to simulate the actual OA and evaluate yourself before attempting the real OA. So treat the Pre-A as a real assessment and attempt it using only your knowledge (Close book).

Once you complete the Pre-A, a coaching report will be automatically generated for you in the same location you attempted the Pre-A. This report will provide you with the results of your attempt and it will break down your competency in each topic in the module. Use this report to find the topics you have scored the lowest on and revisit these topics using the short notes you have taken. After you attend to your weak points, take the Pre-A once again and try to get a score of more than 80%. If you failed to achieve this score, revisit the Textbook with your results and retake the Pre-A again and again until you achieve the passing score.

Step 5

After you pass the Pre-A, there is nothing else stopping you from attempting the final assessment; the OA. If you are confident in your knowledge, schedule the OA at a time of your convenience and give it your best shot to ace it on your first attempt…

Exam structure:

  • Number of questions : 67
  • Time limit : 120
  • Passing score : 70%
  • Type of questions : MCQ , Scenario-based questions
  • Venue : Online proctored

To take the OA, you should:

  • Schedule the OA at a convenient time and date for you
  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone.
  • Follow the proctoring instructions and rules carefully.
  • Use the same strategies and skills that you used for the Pre-A
  • Relax and be confident in your abilities.

Good luck!!



External Resources to Study📂

  1. Study notes of a former course taker – Link
  2. Quizlet #1 – Link
  3. Quizlet #2 – Link
  4. Quizlet #3 – Link
  5. Uedmy course on SQL (Pai Content) – Link


Key Topics to Focus on🔑

Data privacy rules and regulations

  HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act): HIPAA is a federal law enacted in 1996 that aims to protect the privacy and security of individuals’ health information. It establishes standards for the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) by covered entities, such as healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses.

  FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act): FERPA, enacted in 1974, is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. It grants certain rights to parents and eligible students, including the right to access, amend, and control the disclosure of their educational records held by educational institutions that receive federal funding.

  SEAL (Digital Signature and Electronic Authentication Law of 1998): SEAL stands for the signed electronic and acknowledged law which was enacted in 1998 in Japan for legal acceptance of digital signatures and electronic authentication. It affirmatively and positively legalizes and sanctions the use of digital signatures as well as the utilization of electronic documents in electronic transactions hence fostering the growth of e-commerce and less on paper-based commerce.

  DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act): The DMCA, passed in 1998 in the United States, addresses copyright issues related to digital content. It provides a framework for copyright owners to protect their works from online infringement by establishing procedures for issuing takedown notices to internet service providers (ISPs) and hosting platforms. It also includes provisions on digital rights management (DRM) and safe harbor for online service providers.

  Privacy Act of 1974: The Privacy Act is a federal law in the United States that regulates the collection, use, and dissemination of personal information by federal agencies. It provides individuals with certain rights regarding their personal data held by federal agencies, including the right to access, amend, and control the disclosure of their records. The Privacy Act also establishes limitations on the disclosure of personal information and requires agencies to safeguard the security and confidentiality of such information.

Cloud computing models

Service Model Description Examples
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
A method of supplying computing resources over the internet such as processing power, storage, and networking. The users get to decide where the services are to be hosted and how they are to organize it and the hardware aspects of it are all handled by the cloud provider.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2, Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines, Google Cloud Compute Engine
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Provides the complete center of development and deployment in the cloud such as development tools, middleware, databases and runtime. They are able to develop, integrate, stage, and maintain business applications while not having to concern themselves with lower-level infrastructure details.
Heroku, Microsoft Azure App Service, Google Cloud App Engine
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Provides software applications on-demand through the internet, and thus makes the client update, maintain, and own a copy of the software unnecessary. that include web-browser-based applications or Software that is installed on the user’s computer.
Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), Salesforce, Dropbox

System conversion types

  • Direct Conversion: In a direct conversion, the old system is completely replaced by the new system on a specific date. This approach involves a sudden and complete switch from the old system to the new system.
    Direct conversion is often used when there is a pressing need to replace the old system quickly or when the old system is no longer viable.

  • Parallel Conversion: Parallel conversion entails the migration of the old system and the new one and using the two concurrently for some time. At this time, the users work with dual systems so that the change from the old system to the new system is done in stages. Parallel conversion is useful because it creates a backup plan; users can always revert to the original system if they have problems with the new one.

  • Pilot Conversion: In a pilot conversion, the new system is implemented in a limited area or department within the organization before being rolled out organization-wide. This approach allows for testing and refinement of the new system in a controlled environment before full deployment. Pilot conversion helps identify and address issues on a smaller scale before impacting the entire organization.

  • Phased Conversion: Phased conversion involves implementing the new system in stages or phases over time. Each phase of the new system gradually replaces the corresponding components of the old system. Phased conversion allows for a systematic and controlled transition, minimizing disruption to business operations. It also provides opportunities to address issues and gather feedback at each stage of implementation.

These different approaches to system conversion offer organizations flexibility in managing the transition to a new system. The choice of conversion method depends on factors such as the organization’s needs, resources, and tolerance for risk. Each approach has its own advantages and challenges, and organizations must carefully evaluate their options to determine the most suitable approach for their specific circumstances.


Conclusion 📄

In conclusion, we encourage students to take into consideration the advice provided in the article so as to seek the most effective study plan in passing the “Introduction to IT WGU D322” module. There are few things students can be certain of in this world, but one of them is to consider the study guide as a motor map and tool that will help a student to effectively navigate the course and prepare for the Objective Assessment (OA). First, remember the difference between system software and application software, as it represents an essential aspect of your IT knowledge. It is high time for you to be goal-oriented, eager, and persistent as WGU student when you meet some difficulties. We hope that with passion and hard work together with the affordable and available resources, this year you will do well in your studies and start developing yourself in your IT education. If you find yourself in further need of information or support, you can contact WGU’s Academic Support Services.


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