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WGU C959 – How to Pass the Discrete Mathematics I

Welcome to your one-stop introduction to Discrete Mathematics I C959 at WGU and how to excel in your course. This article is perfect for learners who may be pressuring themselves over the course or learners who desire to know the simplified guide to aim for. Here, we’ll show you how to master all the fundamentals, starting with coming to grips with the principles through to acing the so-called OA. In this guide, we’ll cover

1. What to Expect from the Module C959
2. A Study Guide to Help You Ace the OA
3. External Resources to Boost Your Understanding
4. Key Topics to Focus On for Success
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
6. A Wrap-Up with Some Final Thoughts

Whether you are here for your first time or you are halfway through the course, this guide will assist you in every twist and turn of Discrete Mathematics I and the required practices so that you will gain confidence in the difficulties that you are to encounter. Well, dear reader, let’s start the ball rolling right here, right now, and get you heading towards the light!


What to Expect in WGU C959 Data Structures and Algorithms I 📖

Discrete Mathematics I is one of the obligatory courses that acquaint you with a set of discrete structures, which are all important for computer science. Unlike continuous branches such as calculus, Discrete Mathematics involves discrete objects and it includes topics in logic, Boolean algebra, sets, and graphs. This is a course meant to assist you familiar with such concepts, with a bias towards the computer science discipline.

Course Content Overview

The course is divided into seven units:

  • Unit 1: Logic and Proofs – Learn to reason logically, construct arguments, and understand formal proofs, essential skills for mastering the course.

  • Unit 2: Sets and Functions – Explore set theory, operations on sets, and functions, laying the groundwork for more advanced topics.

  • Unit 3: Boolean Algebra and Boolean Functions – Dive into Boolean algebra, simplify Boolean expressions, and understand their importance in digital circuit design.

  • Unit 4: Matrix Operations – Understand matrices, their operations, and their applications in areas like computer graphics and solving linear equations.

  • Unit 5: Finite and Infinite Series – Work with sequences and series, both finite and infinite, crucial for understanding algorithms.

  • Unit 6: Relations – Study different types of relations, including equivalence relations and partial orderings, and their uses in computer science.

  • Unit 7: Graphs and Trees – Get introduced to graph theory, learning about graphs, trees, and their applications in networks and data structures.

Focus Areas

Key topics like logic and proofs and Boolean algebra will be heavily tested, so ensure you’re comfortable with these concepts. Graph theory and relations are also important and often appear in more advanced studies.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of the discrete structures that are vital in computer science, ready to apply these skills in your future work.

Study Guide for WGU C959 Discrete Mathematics I 📝

Here’s a straightforward week-by-week plan to help you master Discrete Mathematics I (C959) and ensure you’re fully prepared for the Objective Assessment (OA). Each step builds on the last, so follow this guide closely for the best results.

Week 1: Read the Zybook (Textbook)

Start your journey by diving into the Zybook, the course’s primary textbook. Spend this week reading through each chapter, focusing on understanding the foundational concepts. Take notes as you go, especially on key topics like logic, set theory, and Boolean algebra. Don’t rush; aim to thoroughly grasp each concept, as they will be crucial in later weeks.

Week 2: Practice with Course Worksheets

It is high time that you strained yourself to operationalize what has been so well postulated in theories. You should refer to the worksheets that have been posted in the Course Announcements. These are intended to entrench your comprehension and enable you to practice what you have been taught. On each problem, invest time and if you are having challenges, feel free to refer back to the Zybook.

Week 3: Resolve Doubts with the Course Instructor

I suggest this week that all ambivalence be ironed out. So if you have certain questions or topics you are having a lot of difficulties with, you should approach your course instructor. These issues should be solved as early as possible in order that you do not drag over-uncertainties to your exam period. This is the right time when you should consolidate what you have learned and make sure you understand any issue that may have been blurred at some point.

Week 4: Take the Pre-A and Aim for 85%+

After having laid down your understanding of the basics and putting it into use it is now time to challenge that. By the middle of the week, write the Pre-A examination and desire to achieve more than 85 percent. The present practice exam will help you to understand the kinds of questions you are likely to encounter in the OA as well as the aspects that you require further practice in. Utilize your results to narrow down your last phase of review.

Week 5: Take the OA

Finally, with all your preparation complete, you’re ready to take the Objective Assessment. Make sure you review any weak areas identified in the Pre-A before the exam. On the day of the OA, stay calm and confident, knowing that you’ve prepared thoroughly. Trust your study process and give it your best shot.


C959 OA Preparation Tips for Discrete Mathematics I 👨🏻‍🏫

The preparation for the Objective Assessment (OA) in Discrete Mathematics I (C959) needs certain planning and strategies as this examination is based on an understanding of several different ideas. Here is the best approach and the reality check while preparing for the OA.

Key Preparation Strategies

  1. Utilize Your Whiteboard and Calculator One of the most critical tools for the OA is a whiteboard. It allows you to visualize problems, especially when dealing with graphs, trees, or complex logic circuits. Drawing these out can help you see patterns and connections that might not be obvious on paper. Additionally, having a calculator, whether it’s the one built into the test or a scientific calculator, is essential. Use it for tasks like finite summation and matrix operations where precision is key.

  2. Brush Up on Core Topics Focus heavily on Logic and Proofs, Set Theory, and Graphs/Trees. These areas are frequently tested, and understanding them thoroughly will give you a strong advantage. Spend extra time on practice problems related to these topics to ensure you’re comfortable with the material.

  3. Don’t Skip Any Material It might be tempting to skim or skip sections that seem less important but resist the urge. Every part of the course material is there for a reason. Read all of the Zybook chapters carefully, take detailed notes, and work through every problem presented. This comprehensive approach will reinforce your understanding and prevent gaps in your knowledge.

  4. Leverage Practice Problems The more you practice, the better prepared you’ll be. Go through all the practice and extra problems in the Zybooks. These problems are designed to reinforce the concepts and give you a solid foundation. Don’t just stop when you get a problem right—keep practicing until you fully understand why each solution works.

  5. Meet with Instructors Your course instructors are invaluable resources. Schedule meetings with them, especially if you’re struggling with certain concepts. They can offer explanations, tips, and guidance that can make challenging material more understandable. Don’t hesitate to reach out—they’re there to help you succeed.

  6. Take the Pre-Assessment (PA) Seriously The Pre-A is about as challenging as the OA, making it an excellent tool for gauging your readiness. Take the PA seriously and aim for a high score. Immediately review any mistakes you make, and focus on correcting them before the OA. This targeted review can help you address weak spots before the actual exam.

  7. Apply Calculator Techniques Whenever possible, use your calculator to solve problems, especially those involving finite summation and matrices. This can save time and reduce the chance of errors. Familiarize yourself with how to input these problems into your calculator efficiently.

  8. Practice Redrawing Visual Problems For questions involving visual elements like graphs, trees, or circuits, redraw them on your whiteboard. This practice helps you see details and relationships that might be missed if you only rely on the test’s visuals. Understanding the nuances of these problems can make a big difference in your ability to solve them correctly.

What to Expect During the C959 OA

The OA is a comprehensive test that will challenge your understanding of the material covered in Discrete Mathematics I. Expect questions that require you to apply the concepts you’ve learned, not just recall information. The test will likely include a mix of problem-solving, logic proofs, and questions that require you to interpret or manipulate visual data like graphs and trees.

Remember, preparation is key. By following the strategies outlined above and putting in the necessary work, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the OA with confidence. Take your time during the exam, use your whiteboard and calculator effectively, and trust in your preparation.


Key Resources for Success in Discrete Mathematics I📂

Here are some top free resources to help you master Discrete Mathematics I (C959):

SawFinMath on YouTube

  • SawFinMath Playlists This channel offers clear and concise explanations on various math topics, including key areas of discrete math.

Khan Academy

  • AP Calculus AB While focused on calculus, this course reinforces essential math skills needed for discrete math, with excellent video tutorials.

TrevTutor on YouTube

  • Discrete Math Playlist TrevTutor covers discrete math topics like logic and Boolean algebra with straightforward, easy-to-follow videos.

Dr. Trefor Bazett on YouTube

  • Discrete Math Playlist Dr. Bazett’s in-depth videos on sets, functions, and matrices are perfect for reinforcing key concepts.

Discrete Math Bootcamp

  • YouTube Bootcamp A comprehensive overview of discrete math topics, great for quick reviews or getting a solid introduction.


Frequently Asked Questions: C959 Discrete Mathematics I ❓

Q: How difficult is the OA compared to the Pre-Assessment (PA)?

  • The OA is generally on par with the PA in terms of difficulty. If you score well on the PA, you should be well-prepared for the OA. Focus on areas where you struggled in the PA to ensure you’re ready.

Q: What are the most important topics to focus on?

  • Logic and Proofs, Set Theory, and Graphs/Trees are the core areas you should master. These topics are heavily tested and foundational to the rest of the course.

Q: How should I use the whiteboard during the OA?

  • The whiteboard is essential for visualizing problems, especially for graphs, trees, and logic circuits. Redrawing problems can help clarify complex questions and prevent mistakes.

Q: Do I need to go through all the Zybook material?

  • Yes, it’s crucial to read every section and solve all the problems. Skipping material could leave gaps in your knowledge that may affect your OA performance.

Q: What’s the best way to tackle difficult problems?

  • Practice, practice, practice! The more problems you solve, the better you’ll understand the material. Use the calculator for summations and matrices, and consult your instructors if you’re stuck.


Conclusion: Conquering Discrete Mathematics I📄

Discrete Mathematics I (C959) is a rather difficult class but it is very essential in the formation of most of the ideas that are applied in computer science. In other words, if you are prepared with a study schedule, the appropriate tools, and persistent diligence, you will not only be prepared to face the OA but you will be prepared to conquer it. Make sure not to forget that you can use as much of the whiteboard as needed, the calculator if you need it, and there are oodles of resources online. Do not blaze through it—ensure that you understand each concept and if you have a problem then go and ask your instructors. According to the guidelines provided in this guide, one is well prepared for success in this course as well as in subsequent endeavors.

Good luck, and happy studying!


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