Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to pass the Global HR Management WGU D358 Objective Assessment. If you’re finding yourself struggling with the course content or unsure about the best way to prepare for the final assessment, you’ve come to the right place. This article is designed to navigate you through the D358 module, equipping you with essential information, strategic insights, and practical tips to boost your confidence and performance.
In the following sections, we’ll cover:
- An overview of the D358 module and what you can expect,
- A detailed study guide to help you prepare for the objective assessment,
- Practical tips and tricks to enhance your chances of passing the OA,
- A selection of external resources that will complement your learning,
- Frequently asked questions that will address common concerns and clarify key points.
This module is known for its hard-to-navigate study material. So let us show you the most efficient path to master the course content and achieve success over the OA in no time. All the information you need to know to pass this module can be found in this article, so sit back and relax, let us take you through the module one step at a time.
About the module WGU D358📖
The Global Human Resource Management module (WGU D358) offers an in-depth exploration of the dynamic field of international human resource management. This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of HR practices from a global perspective. You will delve into essential topics such as international employment law, labor standards, and ethics. Additionally, the course covers global talent management, employee relations, and the latest trends in international HRM. Through this module, you will acquire the critical skills needed to support organizations operating across different countries and cultures, thereby expanding your career opportunities in the global HR field.
Students can expect to learn about various strategies for staffing and personnel management in a cross-cultural context. The course emphasizes the importance of effective communication and the application of HR best practices on an international scale. You will gain insights into how to navigate the complexities of international labor standards and ethical considerations, preparing you to manage HR functions in a global environment successfully. This module is particularly beneficial for HR professionals aiming to enhance their skill sets and for those aspiring to become global HR specialists.
This course is organized into four major areas:
- Strategic Context of International Human Resource Management (Weighted on 40%)
- Global Talent Management Practices (Weighted on 30%)
- HRIS and Technology, Comparative IHRM, Well-being, and the Role and Future of IHRM (Weighted on 30%)
To prepare effectively for the final exam, focus on the key topics outlined in the course. Utilize the study guide provided to review critical concepts and practice applying them to real-world scenarios. This approach will help you grasp the material thoroughly and confidently tackle the objective assessment. Good luck, and with diligent study and preparation, you will excel in this module!
Study Guide to Pass the D358 OA📝
In this section of the article, we will provide you with a comprehensive study guide that we have developed to guide you through the course content with ease and guarantee you victory over the final assessment. The information in this guide is extracted from our deep dive into the module contents and the OA as well as from the information we received from former course takers of WGU. We hope our advice will assist you in your journey through module D358 and we wish you all the best in your studies..
Step 1 – Download the Note-Taking Guide
Before diving into the course material, it’s crucial to first understand the expected learning outcomes for each topic. This initial step will help you align your study efforts with the specific objectives of the module, ensuring that you focus your attention on the most relevant content. By grasping the intended outcomes, you can tailor your study approach to effectively meet the goals of the course. To learn the outcomes, navigate as mentioned below to download the “D358: Study Guide” document.
- Log on to the WGU student portal by using your credentials
- Go to the “Degree Plan” from the WGU homepage
- Find and select the module “Global HR Management WGU D358”
- Once you are on the module page, go to the course search section.
- Click on the “D358: Study Guide” and download the document
Keep this document close by to refer to it when you are studying the course content and answer the questions presented.
Step 2 – Watch the recorded cohorts
Throughout our studies on this module, our main goal will be to complete the study guide that we downloaded in Step 1. The document consists of several questions in each topic of the module to ensure that you have acquired the necessary knowledge from that topic to face the OA. By answering each question and completing the document, you will build up a notebook that contains all the information required to pass the module. So let us start filling out the note-taking guide little by little.
The first resource we will utilize to fill out the note-taking guide is the recorded cohorts of module D358. We have chosen this resource as our first study material because the Textbook of this module is widely regarded as harder to comprehend and read through. So let us go through each of the recorded videos and fill out as much of the note-taking guide as possible. Note that by this study material alone, you will not be able to answer all the questions. As per the knowledge you gain from the cohorts, fill out the document as much as possible. Also, make sure to fill the vocabulary sheet with the terms and definitions in each chapter whenever you come across them.
To find the recorded cohorts, navigate to the below-mentioned location.
- Go to the course search section of the module by following the same path mentioned in Step 1
- Open the link “D358: Global HR Resource Index”
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the link “Short
Videos/Recordings of Content”
By clicking on this link, it will redirect you to the Penepto page where you will find the recorded cohorts.
Step 3 – Go through the Textbook
Now that you have filled out most of the Note-taking guide, let us fill out the remaining questions by going through the Textbook of D358. To do this, you can skim through the Textbook and only focus on the concepts that you have not learned from the cohorts, but if you have sufficient time we recommend you go through the whole Textbook at least once. This is necessary because the content in lessons 1 – 7 is significant when it comes to the OA, so having a deeper understanding of those lessons will significantly impact your score on the OA.
To find the Textbook, go to the module page and click on the “Go to course material” button. It will redirect you to the Textbook.
When you are going through the Textbook, skimming through, or reading from beginning to end, it is absolutely necessary to attempt all the knowledge checks and lesson/chapter quizzes in the whole Textbook. These quizzes will prepare you for the questions in the OA and help you identify your weak points in the course content.
Step 4 – Read through the completed note-taking guide
By going through the above-mentioned study materials, you should be able to complete the note-taking guide. Now go through the completed document to revise your knowledge of the course content and refresh your memory. Take your time to go through the document and feel free to revisit the Textbook to clarify any concepts that you are not competent in.
Step 5 – Attempt the Pre-A
After you have completed all the above steps, you should take the Pre-A of D358 to evaluate your knowledge of the module. This will be your final preparation before the OA, so attempt this mock assessment as you would attempt the real OA. Once you complete the Pre-A you will be provided a coaching report as per your performance. This coaching report will allow you to see your knowledge in the module section-wise. Go through the coaching report to find the topics you have scored the lowest on, and revise the material on those topics to fill the gaps in your knowledge. Keep repeating this process until you achieve more than an 85% score on the Pre-A before you proceed to the next step.
Step 6 – Face the OA
If you have passed the Pre-A with more than 85% of the marks, you are more than ready to attempt the OA of D358. We recommend that you schedule the OA as soon as you can after passing the Pre-A to attempt the final assessment with the same mindset and refreshed knowledge. Note that the questions in the OA are heavily based on understanding how the strategies you learned work and the support that HR gives. Nearly all the questions of the OA are situational. So you need to be able to answer the questions based on how an IHR manager would handle a situation. So prepare yourself to answer these types of questions and follow the below-given steps to face the OA.
To take the D358 OA, you should:
- Schedule the OA at a convenient time and date for you
- Make sure you have a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone.
- Follow the proctoring instructions and rules carefully.
- Use the same strategies and skills that you used for the Pre-A
- Relax and be confident in your abilities.
Good Luck!!
Tips and Tricks to Pass the WGU D358 OA 👇🏻
Preparing for the Objective Assessment (OA) in the Global HR Management module requires strategic planning and a good grasp of key concepts. Here are some essential tips to help you succeed:
- Managing Time Effectively
- Create a Study Schedule: Allocate specific times for each topic to ensure comprehensive coverage.
- Prioritize Key Topics: Focus on the main areas, such as business strategies, international HR structures, and acquisition processes.
- Practice Timed Exams: Take timed practice tests to get comfortable with the exam pace.
- Using the MCQ Elimination Method
- Read Questions Carefully: Understand each question before considering the answers.
- Eliminate Incorrect Answers: Quickly discard clearly incorrect options to narrow down the choices.
- Use Logical Reasoning: Deduce the most likely correct answer based on your knowledge.
- Following Proctoring Guidelines
- Understand the Rules: Comply with proctoring guidelines to avoid any issues during the exam.
- Prepare Your Equipment: Ensure your computer and internet connection are working correctly.
- Stay Calm and Focused: Remain calm and follow the proctor’s instructions carefully.
Key Topics to Focus On🔑
The exam will test your understanding of situational scenarios and HR strategies. Concentrate on:
- Business Strategies and HR Strategies: Know the different business strategies (e.g., multi-domestic) and their corresponding HR approaches (e.g., polycentric).
- Acquisitions and Joint Ventures (JV): Understand the process of acquisitions and JVs, and the role of IHRM in these processes.
- Acculturation Results: Learn the four acculturation results—Portfolio, Blending, New Creation, and Assimilation—and their impact on global organizations.
By managing your time, using effective MCQ strategies, and adhering to proctoring guidelines, you will be well-prepared for the OA. Focus on the key topics to ensure a solid understanding of the material. Good luck, and with diligent preparation, you’ll excel in the Global HR Management module!
Q: Are there any prerequisites for enrolling in this course?
A: No, there are no prerequisites for enrolling in the Global HR Management WGU D358 module. It is designed to be accessible to all students, regardless of their prior HR knowledge or experience.
Q: How can I get help if I have questions or need assistance during the course?
A: If you have questions or need assistance during the course, you can reach out to your course instructor, use the student support services provided by WGU, or participate in online forums and discussion groups with your peers.
Q: How long will it take me to get through this course?
A: It depends on how much time you can devote to reading/studying the material, your background/previous knowledge, and your motivation. WGU suggests 20 hours of engagement per week.
Q: Should I study the vocabulary?
A: Vocabulary is important. You may not get tested on definitions, but if you do not understand the vocabulary, you may not understand the scope of the questions in which those vocabulary words appear.
Q: What if I do not pass the OA?
A: Please reach out to your assigned course instructor for a success plan. Please do not schedule your next assessment without talking with your assigned course instructor first. For my guidance on assessment retakes, please refer to the student handbook for Assessment Policies.
Conclusion 📄
The Global HR Management WGU D358 module offers a comprehensive exploration of international human resource management, equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in a global HR environment. We encourage you to take the advice provided in this article to enhance your study approach for this module. Make full use of the study guide we’ve offered to navigate through the course content efficiently and prepare effectively for the objective assessment. Additionally, apply the tips and tricks we’ve shared to help you manage your time, tackle multiple-choice questions strategically, and adhere to proctoring guidelines.
By focusing on key topics and using the strategies discussed, you’ll be well-prepared to excel in the OA and succeed in your studies. Good luck, and with diligent preparation and determination, you’ll achieve great results in the Global HR Management D358 module!