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How to Pass the Employment and Labor Law WGU D352 OA

Welcome, fellow WGU Night Owls! If you are finding the Employment and Labor Law module WGU D352 at Western Governors University challenging, you are not alone. This course covers a wide range of complex legal principles and regulations that can be difficult to grasp. Going through this module will require a lot of effort as well as it will be time-consuming. However, we’ve gathered all the essential information and resources you need to succeed. In this article, we’ll break down the module content. In this article, we will discuss on,

  1. About the module D352
  2. Study guide to ace the OA
  3. Key topics to focus on
  4. External resources

Our comprehensive study guide focuses on the core elements of the D352 module, ensuring you grasp the fundamental concepts of employment and labor law and prepare yourself for the OA with the least effort required. With our guidance, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the complexities of this course and achieve success in your OA. Let’s dive in and make the journey through Employment and Labor Law a triumphant one!


About the Module WGU D352 📖

The Employment and Labor Law module WGU D352 at Western Governors University provides a thorough examination of the legal and regulatory framework governing various aspects of employment. This course covers crucial topics such as recruitment, termination, and discrimination laws, with a particular focus on employment-at-will, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. Throughout the course, students will learn to analyze current trends and issues in employment law, enabling them to effectively manage risks in employment relationships. A solid understanding of Human Resources functions, as covered in the recommended prerequisite courses, will be beneficial for grasping the complex concepts presented in this module.

By completing this module, you will acquire the below competencies.

  1. Competency 1: Recommends Compliance and Diversity Management Strategies (Weighted at 55%)
  2. Competency 2: Describes Labor Relations Factors (Weighted at 20%)
  3. Competency 3: Recommends Employee Relations Risk Management Actions (Weighted at 25%)

Students can expect to gain practical knowledge that will help them navigate the intricacies of employment law. Key learning outcomes include the ability to recommend strategies to prevent discrimination, limit employer risk, and ensure compliance with employment laws and workplace policies. Additionally, students will learn to describe the impact of statutory, administrative, and judicial decisions on labor relations. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to recommend appropriate employment actions that balance risk management with the rights of both employers and employees. Preparing for the final exam will involve a comprehensive review of these topics, along with applying the principles learned to real-world scenarios. This preparation will not only help in passing the exam but also in developing a strong foundation for managing legal aspects of human resources in a professional setting.

Study Guide to Ace the WGU D352 OA📝

In this section of the article, we will present you with the ultimate study guide to help you navigate the D352 module and achieve success in no time. Before we begin, we would like to mention that this study guide focuses on version 2 of this module as the previous version is now outdated. The documents and study material for version 2 will be named accordingly in the course search of the module with “Version 2” mentioned at the end of the document name. So make sure you are referring to the correct material when you are going through your studies. Our study guide is meticulously constructed to support students at any level. So feel free to follow our advice even if you are a beginner in this field or you are already experienced with the course content. Without further ado let’s begin.

Step 1 – Download the note-taking guide

Before we begin our studies, there is an important document that we need to download that we will utilize in future steps. This document is provided by WGU and it is named “D352 Study Guide”. Utilizing this document will not only help you keep track of your progress during your studies, but it will also act as your short notes, allowing you to note down important information on key concepts of the module. So having this document is a must when you start studying the course content. Follow the below steps to download this document.

    1. Log on to the homepage of the WGU website with your student credentials
    2. Navigate to the “Degree Plan” section from the Homepage
  • Click on the “Employment and Labor Law WGU D352 ” link to go to the module page
  1. Go to the course search section
  2. Find and click on the link “D352 Study Guide”
  3. Download the document with the provided link

Step 2 – Go through the Textbook

Now that we are equipped with the note-taking guide, let us commence our studies through the study materials to prepare ourselves for the OA of D352. Even though passing the OA is our ultimate goal, keep in mind that your main focus is to gain new skills by completing this subject. Do not merely attempt to give the least amount of effort required and memorize the information only to achieve the credits, Take your time and pace your studies in a way you can understand the knowledge in this module and make sure you will be able to use the knowledge in the real world.

To begin our studies in this module, first, we will utilize the WGU-provided Textbook to go through the course content. The Textbook of D352 is the best resource you will be able to find to study this module. It does an amazing job of providing you with the necessary knowledge to pass the OA in a very procedural manner. The theory is explained in the Textbook to be easily accessible to both experienced and inexperienced students who are taking the module. So read through the Textbook from beginning to end to complete this step of the study guide. To find the Textbook, go to the module page by accessing your student portal and click on the button “Go to study materials”

When you are going through the Textbook, utilize the document we have downloaded in the previous step to take down notes on the core concepts by answering the questions. Also, feel free to take your own short notes and make your own flashcards to help you study the course content as well as help you revise the material later.

Step 3 – Watch the supplemental videos

After completing the Textbook, let us strengthen our knowledge of the course material by going through some supplemental videos on the core concepts.  These videos will help you clear any doubts you might have acquired on your studies as well as help you clarify complicated topics. This step will ensure that you will be well-equipped to pass the upcoming OA on your first attempt without any complications. So go to the course search section of the module D352 and find the link “D352v2 Resource Index”. Scroll down on the page to find the section “Supplemental videos

Step 4 – Go through practice quizzes

Now it is time to evaluate your knowledge of module D352 by attempting some practice quizzes. We have gone through both the Textbook and supplemental videos so far and equipped ourselves with the necessary knowledge to pass the module. So let us verify if our skills are up to par to pass the OA by attempting the below-mentioned practice quizzes. Navigate to the location mentioned below to access these practice quizzes.

    1. Log on to the homepage of the WGU website with your student credentials
    2. Navigate to the “Degree Plan” section from the Homepage
  • Click on the “Employment and Labor Law WGU D352 ” link to go to the module page
  1. Go to the course search section
  2. Find and click on the below links

    1. D352 Essential Questions
    2. D352v2 Employment Relationships Quiz
    3. D352v2 Strategies Quiz
    4. D352v2 Labor Quiz
    5. D352v2 Workplace Regs Quiz

By attempting these quizzes you will be able to revisit each topic in the Textbook and revise your knowledge on the core concepts.

Step 5 – Prepare for the OA

In this step let us go through the final preparations before attempting the OA of D352. First, we will once again revise the knowledge of the module to make sure you will face the OA with a refreshed knowledge. To achieve this goal, go through the “Know to pass” PowerPoint slides to go through a quick summary of each topic. You can find these slides by visiting the course search section of the module and clicking on the link “D352v2 Know to Pass

Once you go through the slides, we will attempt the Pre-A of module D352 to evaluate your knowledge of the module as well as your exam-taking skills. To utilize this tool to its maximum capacity, treat the Pre-A like a real assessment and give it all you’ve got. Complete the Pre-A without referring to your notes to test yourself before going straight to the real assessment.

After you complete the Pre-A, a coaching guide will be auto-generated based on your performance. Use this coaching guide to find the areas you need to improve on. Find the sections of the Textbook that you need to re-read to improve your score and utilize both the Textbook and the short notes you have taken to strengthen your knowledge. To successfully complete this step, you should achieve a score of more than 85% on the Pre-A. Follow the same steps again and again until you achieve this score before you proceed to the final step.

Step 6 – Take the OA

At this point of the study guide, you are well equipped with all the necessary tools and information you require to Ace the OA in your first attempt. Make sure you are comfortable with the course content and you are confident in your exam-taking skills. Before sitting for the OA, make sure to test your internet connectivity to ensure you have a smooth connection. Also, test both your microphone as well as your webcam to avoid any unnecessary complications during your exam. Read the proctoring guidelines carefully and adhere to them.  Also, go through the “Key Topics to Study” section of our article to understand the main topics you will be tested on in the OA”

If you feel you are ready for the final challenge, schedule the OA at a time of your convenience and give it your best..


Key Topics You Should Focus On 🔑

Drug Testing (public vs federal)

Aspect Public Sector Employment Federal Employment
Governing Laws
Governed by state laws and individual employer policies. Policies can vary widely from one jurisdiction to another.
Governed by the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and specific federal agency policies. Regulations are more uniform and stringent.
Pre-Employment Testing
Commonly required as part of the hiring process to ensure new hires are not using illegal substances.
Commonly required, particularly for positions involving national security, public safety, or other sensitive roles.
Reasonable Suspicion Testing
Conducted if an employer has reasonable suspicion of drug use based on observable signs or evidence, such as erratic behavior or physical symptoms.
Conducted if there is reasonable suspicion of drug use based on specific, documented evidence, such as a report from a credible source or observed behavior.
Random Testing
Varies by state; some public sector employers implement random drug testing programs to deter drug use. The extent and legality of random testing depend on state regulations.
Mandatory for employees in safety-sensitive positions (e.g., transportation, law enforcement, national security) to ensure they are not impaired by drug use. Random testing is a key component in maintaining a drug-free workplace.
Post-Accident Testing
Often required after workplace accidents to determine if drugs were a contributing factor. Policies can vary, but the goal is to enhance workplace safety and accountability.
Required after accidents or incidents that may have been influenced by drug use. This helps determine if drug use contributed to the event and ensures compliance with safety standards.
Follow-Up Testing
Follow-up testing policies vary by employer. Typically conducted for employees who have previously tested positive or undergone drug rehabilitation. Ensures ongoing compliance with workplace drug policies.
Required for employees who previously tested positive for drugs or completed a drug rehabilitation program. Follow-up testing ensures continued compliance and is often more frequent initially, tapering off over time.

labor-related acts

  • Landrum-Griffin Act (Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act) – 1959
  • Key Provisions:
    • Protects union members’ rights.
    • Promotes transparency within labor unions.
    • Requires unions to file annual financial reports.
    • Establishes standards for union officer elections.


  • Impact:
    • Ensures union democracy and financial integrity.
    • Provides safeguards against corrupt practices within unions.
  • LaGuardia Act (Norris-LaGuardia Act) – 1932
  • Key Provisions:
    • Restricts federal courts’ power to issue injunctions in nonviolent labor disputes.
    • Prohibits “yellow-dog” contracts.
  • Impact:
    • Strengthens workers’ rights to organize and engage in collective bargaining.
    • Limits employers’ ability to legally stifle union activities.
  • Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act) – 1935
  • Key Provisions:
    • Guarantees workers the right to organize and bargain collectively.
    • Establishes the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
  • Impact:
    • Encourages collective bargaining.
    • Protects workers’ rights to unionize.
    • Provides a legal framework for labor relations and dispute resolution.
  • Taft-Hartley Act (Labor Management Relations Act) – 1947
  • Key Provisions:
    • Amends the Wagner Act to balance power between unions and employers.
    • Prohibits certain union practices (e.g., secondary boycotts, jurisdictional strikes).
    • Allows states to pass “right-to-work” laws.
  • Impact:
    • Restricts union power.
    • Introduces measures to address unfair labor practices by unions.
    • Increases regulatory oversight of labor unions.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) – 1938
  • Key Provisions:
    • Establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor standards.
    • Sets rules for record-keeping and employment standards for various sectors.
  • Impact:
    • Protects workers from unfair pay practices.
    • Ensures a basic standard of living.
    • Regulates working hours and conditions for minors.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Act – 1972
  • Key Provisions:
    • Amends Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
    • Expands the enforcement powers of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
    • Prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  • Impact:
    • Strengthens federal enforcement against employment discrimination.
    • Enhances protections for employees against discriminatory practices.
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) – 1970
  • Key Provisions:
    • Ensures safe and healthful working conditions.
    • Sets and enforces standards.
    • Provides training, outreach, education, and assistance.
    • Establishes the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
  • Impact:
    • Reduces workplace hazards.
    • Ensures employers provide safe working environments.
    • Promotes worker safety and health through regulations and inspections.

Disparate Impact vs. Disparate Treatment

Aspect Disparate Impact Disparate Treatment
Policies or practices that appear neutral but result in a disproportionate impact on a protected group.
Intentional discrimination is where individuals in a protected group are treated differently.
Legal Basis
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits employment practices that adversely affect protected groups, regardless of intent.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits intentional discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
Key Focus
The effect of a policy or practice on a protected group, regardless of the employer's intent.
The intent behind an employer's action, focusing on whether the employer deliberately discriminated against an individual or group.
- A standardized test required for promotion that disproportionately disqualifies minority candidates.
- A height requirement for a job that disproportionately excludes women and certain ethnic groups.
- A qualified candidate from a protected group being passed over for a promotion in favor of a less qualified candidate from a non-protected group.
- An employer refusing to hire women for certain positions despite equal qualifications.
Evidence Required
Statistical evidence shows that a policy or practice disproportionately affects a protected group.
Evidence of intentional discrimination, such as direct statements, patterns of behavior, or documentation showing a preference for non-protected groups.
Employer's Defense
Employers can defend by demonstrating that the policy or practice is job-related and consistent with business necessity. Alternatively, they can show that no less discriminatory alternative exists.
Employers must provide a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for the different treatment. If the employee proves this reason is a pretext, the employer may be held liable for discrimination.
If disparate impact is proven and no valid defense is provided, the policy must be changed or eliminated, and affected individuals may be entitled to remedies such as back pay or policy changes.
If disparate treatment is proven, the employer may be required to provide remedies including hiring, promotion, reinstatement, back pay, and compensatory or punitive damages.


External Resources to Study 📂

  • Flashcards to study the Pre-Assessment quizzes – Link
  • Quizlets to study the course content – Link
  • Flashcards on the core concepts – Link
  • YouTube Playlist on course content – Link
    Supplemental Udemy course – Link

Conclusion 📄

The exhaustive study guide that we offer is undoubtedly a time-saving and effective method that you can use to prepare for the end-of-module exam at WGU D352. This guidebook is going to be a best friend that will guide you through preparation for your exam, providing you with comprehensive knowledge about fundamental notions, practice questions as well as hints on efficient learning. In fact, this article has been very informative and gives control over the module’s content, other resources, and key topics. This makes the tool kit for the approach to be successful in the study. Make sure you set targeted objectives, put your time under control, and make high-quality notes. With a firm resolve and philosophy to study guide, these may be exciting for you to master the final exam. Don’t forget that if you give your best, amazing things can happen! 


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