Are you enrolled in the WGU Discovering Data class and wondering how to pass the WGU D468 OA exam? If so, you are not alone. Many students find this course challenging and confusing, as it requires a lot of memorization, understanding, and application of various terms, concepts, and skills related to critical thinking, reasoning, and evidence. In this article, we will discuss some tips and strategies that will make your learning experience easier and more enjoyable. This article will guide you through;
By following this guide, you will be able to master the course content, pass the pre-assessment and the D468 objective assessment, and earn your credit for the course. So, let’s get started!
Overview of Module WGU D468 📖
The Discovering Data WGU D468 module is an engaging course designed to equip you with essential analytical skills crucial for modern business environments. Throughout this course, you will delve into the foundational concepts, processes, and tools utilized in business analytics, with a particular emphasis on the importance of asking the right questions to collect meaningful data. This approach is vital as it enables you to organize, analyze, and share data effectively, thereby driving informed decision-making within an organization.
This module not only provides comprehensive academic content but also offers you the opportunity to work towards two valuable certificates: the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate and the WGU Business Analysis Certificate. With “Introduction to Spreadsheets” as a prerequisite, you will build on your existing knowledge, enhancing your analytical thinking and data management skills. Delivered through the WGU module-based learning platform, this course combines reading materials with interactive learning components, ensuring a well-rounded and engaging educational experience.
As you progress through the module, you will focus on mastering five core competencies, earning you three competency units towards your degree upon successful completion. The practical application of these skills will be demonstrated through an objective assessment, validating your understanding and proficiency. The Google course titled “Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere” on the Coursera platform will serve as a crucial component of your studies, bridging the gap between data analysts and business analysts. By maintaining the perspective of a business analyst, you will learn to interpret data trends and insights, ultimately crafting compelling data stories that inform and influence business decisions at the leadership level.
By completing this module you will acquire the below competencies. (The weightage of each competency in the OA is mentioned as a percentage)
- Competency 1: The Role of Analytical Thinking in Decision-Making (10%)
- Competency 2: Concepts, Processes, and Tools for Data Analysis (24%)
- Competency 3: Asking Effective Questions (20%)
- Competency 4: Data-Driven Decision-Making (26%)
- Competency 5: Communication with Teams and Stakeholders (20%)
WGU D468 Study Guide📝
In this section, we will provide you with a study guide to navigate the course content of this module and prepare for the OA of D468 with ease. We have prepared this study guide after deep diving into each study material and resource available for the module to understand the most efficient way to go through each topic and grasp their knowledge. Furthermore, we have interviewed past course takers of Discovering Data WGU D468 to understand their experience with the module and the OA as well. We recommend that you follow our comprehensive study guide step by step, to guarantee success. If you are already following up your own study plan, we hope the advice and tips we offer in our study guide will help you to improve your knowledge. Without further ado, let’s dive in.
Step 1 – Watch the welcome video
The course content of this module will be provided to you on the platform Coursera. As you will be navigating this platform to access all the study resources you need for your studies, it is mandatory for you to understand how to log in to Coursera and how to properly navigate it. So as the first step of our study guide, we will be going through a tutorial on how to use Coursera and utilize it to its maximum capacity. Follow the below-given instructions to find the welcome video of this module and watch through it.
- Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Discovering Data WGU D468 > Go to “Course Search” > Open the link “Welcome Video”
Step 2 – Complete the Coursera courses
Now that you know how to properly navigate the Coursera platform, let us dive into the course content of this module and get started with our study journey. The course content will be provided to you on two Coursera courses which are listed below.
- Foundations: Data, Data Everywhere
- Ask Questions to Make Data-Driven Decisions
Log into the Coursera platform as you have learned from the welcome video and go through these courses in the order listed above. As you go through the course content, do your best to grasp the theories and concepts discussed and try to understand them instead of memorizing them. To assist you with this task, you can utilize the below-mentioned resources.
- The “Test Your Knowledge” quizzes in Coursera,
- The “Module Challenge” for each module in Coursera
- The “Section Test” quiz for each Section after clicking the GO TO COURSE MATERIALS button
Complete all the above-mentioned quizzes as you come across them to commit the knowledge to your memory. The terms and definitions of this module will also play a key part when it comes to the final OA. Memorizing them will help you pass the OA with ease. You will be able to find these terms and definitions at the end of each Chapter of the course. So write them down in a separate sheet at go through them regularly to study them before the assessment.
Another useful study technique to utilize is taking short notes on the key concepts discussed throughout the module. These short notes will be a major advantage when you are refreshing your knowledge at the end of your studies.
Step 3 – Revise your knowledge
Once you complete both courses, we will spend a little bit more time reviewing all the knowledge we have gathered so far. This will help you better grasp the knowledge as well as commit the knowledge to your memory by going through all the key concepts once more. To help you with this task we will be using two resources.
First, you will be utilizing the “Fast Track Videos” provided by WGU to quickly go through the important concepts of the module. To find these videos, follow the below-given instructions.
- Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Discovering Data WGU D468 > Go to “Course Search” > Open the link “D468 Discovering Data Course Resource” > Watch the videos listed below
- D468 – Fast Track, Competencies 1 and 2 video
- D468 – Fast Track, Competencies 2 (continued), 3, and 4 video
- D468 – Fast Track, Competencies 4 (continued) and 5 video
Once you go through all the videos, navigate to the location mentioned below and attempt the provided quizzes to strengthen your knowledge.
- Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Discovering Data WGU D468 > Go to “Course Search” > Open the link “Study Plan for the 3rd Attempt on the OA”
Step 4 – Attempt the Pre-A
After completing all the above steps, you are now prepared to face the Pre-A of module D468. If you have gone through all the above-mentioned steps, you should be confident enough to take on this challenge and pass it in one go. Find the Pre-A in the Module homepage and complete the Pre-A with the knowledge you have gained so far. It is important that you take the Pre-A as a real assessment. This is the best resource you have to get a clear idea about the knowledge you have in this module as the Pre-A of D468 is very similar to the real OA. So take this opportunity to test your knowledge and verify that you are ready for the OA. Instead of skimming through the questions, take your time and read each question carefully. Answer each question to the best of your knowledge and take the allocated time to your advantage.
After you complete the Pre-A, A coaching report will be auto-generated based on your performance in the assessment. Once you open the coaching report, you will be given an overview of your knowledge of each chapter of the module. Use this to find the weak points of your knowledge and revisit each chapter that you have underscored. Utilize you short notes that you have taken previously to refresh your knowledge and if needed, use the External Resources we have provided to gain additional knowledge into the topics you have scored the lowest.
If you have failed the Pre-A in your first attempt, Retake the assessment after you have refreshed the knowledge. It’s really important to try the Pre-A as many times as you need until you pass. Don’t worry if you don’t pass on your first try. Just keep practicing and studying the material, and you’ll get there. The most important thing is to keep trying and not give up until you achieve the passing score..
Step 5 – Face the OA
Now you are prepared to face the OA of Discovering Data WGU D468. Take a deep breath and congratulate yourself on your achievements so far. You have gone through the course materials twice, passed the Pre-A, and refreshed your memory on your weak points so far. You are more than ready to tackle this final hurdle and accomplish your goals. The OA of this module is a lot similar to the Pre-A as per former students of the module. The only difference between the two is that the OA questions are worded a little trickier than the Pre-A. So it is important to read through the questions very carefully to understand the exact ask of the question.
Once you are well prepared,
- Schedule the OA at a convenient time and date for you
- Make sure you have a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone.
- Follow the proctoring instructions and rules carefully.
- Use the same strategies and skills that you used for the Pre-A
- Relax and be confident in your abilities
We wish you the best of luck!!
Tips and Tricks to Pass the OA👨🏻🏫
Passing the Objective Assessment (OA) in the Discovering Data WGU D468 module requires a strategic approach and effective study habits. Here are some general tips and tricks to help you excel:
- Review the Practice Assessment (PA): The OA closely mirrors the PA, so use your experience from the PA to guide your answer choices on the OA. Pay attention to the types of questions asked and the common themes or topics that appear. This will help you become familiar with the format and identify areas where you need to focus your study efforts.
- Use the Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Elimination Method: When faced with multiple-choice questions, start by eliminating the obviously wrong choices. This will increase your chances of selecting the correct answer from the remaining options. Narrowing down your choices can help you make more informed decisions and avoid second-guessing yourself.
- Manage Your Time Wisely: Utilize the time given to answer all the questions. Don’t rush, but also avoid spending too much time on any single question. If you encounter a difficult question, move on and return to it later if time permits. This ensures that you have the opportunity to answer as many questions as possible.
- Read Questions Carefully: At first glance, some questions may seem to have more than one correct answer. Pay close attention to the wording of each question and the answer choices. Look for key details that can help you identify the best answer.
- Stay Calm and Focused: Exam anxiety can impact your performance. Take deep breaths, stay calm, and maintain focus throughout the assessment. If you find yourself getting stressed, take a moment to relax before continuing.
- Practice and Preparation: Consistent study and review of course materials are essential. Utilize available resources such as study guides, textbooks, and online tutorials. Practicing with sample questions and past exams can also help reinforce your knowledge and build confidence.
By following these tips and tricks, you will be better prepared to tackle the OA and demonstrate your understanding of the core concepts in the Discovering Data WGU D468 module. Good luck!
Q: What is the Discovering Data D468 module about?
A: This module introduces students to the analytical concepts, processes, and tools used in business analytics. It emphasizes the importance of asking effective questions to collect meaningful data and teaches how to organize, analyze, and share this data to drive informed decision-making.
Q: What are the prerequisites for this course?
A: The prerequisite for this course is “Introduction to Spreadsheets.” It’s important to have a foundational understanding of spreadsheets to succeed in this module.
Q: What certificates can I earn through this course?
A: Students have the opportunity to work towards the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate and the WGU Business Analysis Certificate.
Q: What is the relationship between the Google course and this module?
A: As part of the curriculum, students will complete the Google course titled “Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere,” available on the Coursera platform. This course aligns closely with the business analyst role and helps students learn how to interpret data trends and insights.
Q: What spreadsheet software will be used in the course?
A: The course material is geared towards Google Sheets instead of Excel. It’s important to familiarize yourself with Google Sheets to fully engage with the course content and complete assignments effectively.
Conclusion 📄
As you embark on your journey through the Discovering Data WGU D468 module, we encourage you to take the advice provided in this article to enhance your study approach. Use the study guide we’ve provided to help you understand and master key concepts, making it easier to pass the Objective Assessment (OA). Remember to apply the tips and tricks we discussed, such as leveraging the Practice Assessment (PA), using the MCQ elimination method, and managing your time wisely. These strategies are essential for success. We wish you the best of luck in your studies and on your path to becoming a skilled business analyst. Stay focused, and stay determined, and you will achieve great results in the Discovering Data WGU D468 module. Good luck!