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How to Pass Principles of Management WGU C483 OA

Welcome, WGU students, to our comprehensive guide on how to pass the  Principles of Management WGU C483 module. If you’re struggling with the course content, don’t know where to begin studying, or are unsure how to prepare for the Objective Assessment (OA), you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to guide you to success. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need, little by little, until you become a master of this module. We’ll cover;

Our goal is to make your learning journey smoother and more manageable. So, stick with us as we break down the module step by step. Together, we’ll ensure you gain the knowledge and confidence necessary to excel in IT Foundations WGU D316 and successfully pass the OA. Let’s embark on this journey to success!


About the Module WGU C483📖

Module C483; ‘Principles of Management’ provided at WGU is an introductory course that discusses the management concept within organizational settings. This course is aimed at carrying forward the previously learned competencies of the students and giving more emphasis on management as a separate field from leadership. Business Communication allows you to discuss the importance of communication in business and get a broad idea of the main areas of knowledge, including strategic management, total quality management, entrepreneurship, interpersonal conflicts, changes, personnel management, and diversity of organizational structure. You will be provided with an overview of the managerial activities and approaches that take place in today’s complex business world throughout this course. Issues like strategic management and total quality management provide you with tools that allow corporate goals to reflect market requirements and maintain a high level of performance. Further, you will study the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and the roles and challenges of mediating conflicts and changes within the organization. This course will equip you with knowledge about human resource management and diversity which is crucial in managing a diverse workforce, and the structure of organizations will teach you about business structures that help organizations create effective and flexible models.

By completing this module, you will acquire the following competencies;

  1. Strategic Planning  – The graduate can explain the strategic planning process. 
  2. Total Quality Management  – The graduate can describe how to establish a total quality management program in a product operation and in a service operation. 
  3. Entrepreneurial Perspective  – The graduate can describe how to establish and promote an entrepreneurial emphasis within an organization. 
  4. Conflict and Change Management  – The graduate can recommend effective techniques for managing conflict and change. 
  5. Human Resource Management  – The graduate can correctly apply principles of human resource management in a given situation. 
  6. Workplace Diversity  – The graduate responds appropriately to diversity issues in the workplace. 
  7. Organizational Structure  – The graduate can recommend an organizational structure to match a given organization’s situation

By the end of this course, you will have developed a comprehensive understanding of the principles of management and the skills needed to apply these concepts in real-world scenarios. This knowledge will not only help you succeed in the final exam but will also be immediately applicable in your career, empowering you to become a competent and effective manager. As you prepare for the final exam, focus on mastering these core topics and utilize the study materials provided to reinforce your learning and build your confidence.

Tips and Tricks to Pass the OA📝

This Objective Assessment (OA) for the Principles of Management module, WGU C483, is one of the ways you will be assessed. The test is composed of 48 questions, to which you have to choose appropriate options, and the time you have is 90 minutes. You can only pass the exam if your scores are at least 70% or above. The exam takes place online, and the test-taker is observed to eliminate any form of dishonesty. 

Here are some valuable tips and tricks to help you succeed:

Understand the Concepts:

The OA is structured in such a way that you will be required to demonstrate an understanding of management as opposed to cramming knowledge into your head. It is imperative that you understand concepts that were taught in the course as strategic planning, total quality management, entrepreneurship, conflict and change management, human resource management, diversity as well as organizational structures. If you comprehend all these concepts well, then you should be able to answer different questions that look different but inquire about the same thing. 

Utilize the Practice Assessment (PA):

The practice assessment (PA) is very similar to the OA, providing an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions you will encounter. Use the PA to identify areas where you need further study and to practice your time management skills.

Time Management:

Given that there are 48 questions and assuming that you should take 90 minutes to complete the test, your effective time control comes to about 1. 9 minutes per question. Check the time and make sure you are working at a moderate speed so that you can efficiently meet all the expectations. For you to be able to master how to answer each type of question, consider making a note of the questions that you do not understand as you continue exploring other questions, then go back to the question later once you need clarification from your teacher. This will help you come back to challenging questions and spend valuable time answering other questions instead. 

Read Questions Carefully:

Take your time to read each question thoroughly. Understanding what is being asked is critical to choosing the correct answer. Avoid rushing through questions, as this can lead to misinterpretation and errors.

Use the Bookmark Feature:

If a question stumps you, use the bookmark feature to flag it and return to it later. This approach ensures that you first answer the questions you are confident about, maximizing your score potential before tackling more challenging ones.

Review Your Answers:

If time permits, review your answers, especially the ones you bookmarked. Revisiting these questions with a fresh perspective can sometimes make the correct answer more apparent.

Stay Calm and Focused:

Maintaining a calm and focused mindset is crucial during the exam. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing to keep anxiety at bay. A clear and focused mind will help you think more effectively and make better decisions.

By understanding the core concepts, practicing with the PA, managing your time efficiently, and staying calm, you will be well-prepared to tackle the OA for the Principles of Management WGU C483 module. Good luck, and remember that thorough preparation is the key to success!

Study Guide for Acing the Module

We have comprised a comprehensive study guide, that will allow you to achieve success in this module with ease. If you follow this study guide step by step and adhere to the advice laid out, we guarantee your success on the OA of module C483. This study guide is the result of our research into this module and its course content as well as a summation of the experience of former course takers of WGU. So without further ado, let’s dive in..

Week 1 – Learn the outcomes of each Topic

In the first step of our study guide, we will learn the outcomes of each topic that we will be studying in the Textbook. This will allow you to focus on the important information in each module and keep on track when studying focused on the OA. Navigate to the page mentioned below to find these topic outcomes.

Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Principles of Management WGU C483 > Go to “Course Search” > Open the link “C483 Study Guide”

Download this document or note down these outcomes in a notebook to refer to when studying each topic.

Week 2 –  Go through the Textbook

When it comes to module the Principles of Management WGU C483, the best resource to gain the required knowledge is the WGU provided Textbook. This Textbook does a magnificent job of giving you the knowledge in a constructive manner where you will be able to learn each concept thoroughly. With the help of the document we downloaded earlier, go through each topic and understand the content of each topic clearly. Try to understand the workings of each concept instead of memorizing them. Also, focus on the terms and definitions in each topic. These will be heavily tested on the following assessments at the end of the module. Try and make short notes and flashcards to help you commit the knowledge into memory. These will help you revise the course content at ease when you are making the final preparations for the OA. To find the Textbook;

Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Principles of Management WGU C483 > Click on “Go to Course Material”

Go through each topic in the Textbook and attempt the quizzes at the end of each topic before moving on to the next step.

Week 3 – Watch the recorded Cohorts

Once you go through the Textbook completely, you will have a basic understanding of the entire module. To strengthen your knowledge and revise the course content once more, we will be utilizing the recorded cohort videos of module C483. These cohorts are conducted by WGU course instructors, and it will allow you to clear any doubts you might have about the course content and gain valuable advice on how to prepare for the OA. Even though this might seem repetitive, we recommend you go through all the videos to revisit each topic. Take your time to take notes on each video and gain a clear understanding of each concept. To find these videos, navigate as mentioned below.

Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Principles of Management WGU C483 > Click on “C483 Recorded Videos”

Week 4 – Memorize the Terms and Definitions

In module C483, the Terms and Definitions play a key part when it comes to the final exam. So it becomes mandatory to memorize these terms and their definitions to give you the best chance possible to ace the OA. You might have come across these terms already in your studies through the course content.. But let us revise them once more to really commit them to the memory just before facing the assessments. You can find a list of Terms and Definitions by navigating to the below page.

Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Principles of Management WGU C483 > Click on “Principles of Management Course Terms and Definitions”

Week 5 – Attempt the Pre-A

Now that you have the knowledge required to pass the OA, let us put it to the test and evaluate your progress. This will give you a chance to work on any weak points you might have and clear any gaps in knowledge before facing the final hurdle in C483. To do this, we will be utilizing the Pre-A of the module, which is a mock assessment that will prepare you for the real OA.

To utilize this tool to its maximum capacity, treat the Pre-A as a real assessment. Use the same techniques and logic you use in a real exam and try to answer each question without referring to your notes. Once you are confident in your knowledge, start the Pre-A and do your best to achieve the highest score possible.

 Once you complete the Pre-A, you will receive your results in the form of a coaching report. You can find this report generated in the same location where you attempted the Pre-A. By opening this report, you will be able to get a clear picture of your understanding of each topic in this module. Use this to understand your weak points and work through the short notes and the Textbook to clear any doubts you might have about each topic. If you failed the Pre-A in your first attempt, retake the Pre-A again and again until you receive a score above 80%

Week 6 – Attempt the OA

Now you are at the end of your journey on the module Principles of Management WGU C483. The only obstacle that keeps you from your success is the OA. As you have already proven your skills by passing the Pre-A, schedule the OA without hesitation. We recommend you schedule the OA as soon as possible to give you the best chance of passing the assessment. This will allow you to face the assessment with the same memory as when you passed the Pre-A. Go through the above section of the article where we discussed the Tips and Tricks to pass the OA once more. And do your best to pass the OA in your first attempt. Here are some tips to know,

  • Make sure you have a stable internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone.
  • Follow the proctoring instructions and rules carefully.
  • Use the same strategies and skills that you used for the Pre-A
  • Relax and be confident in your abilities.

Good luck!!


External Resources 📂

  1. Quizlets for memorizing the key concepts – Link#1 , Link#2
  2. YouTube Playlists for additional knowledge – Link#1 , Link#2
  3. Additional Reading on Key concepts – SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces, Total Quality Management (TQM), Equal Employment Opportunity Law
  4. Udemy Course (Paid Content) – Link



Q: Are there any prerequisites for this course?

A: There are no formal prerequisites for the Principles of Management WGU C483 course, making it accessible to students with various backgrounds.

Q: Can I retake the OA if I don’t pass on the first attempt?

A: Yes, you can retake the OA if you do not pass on your first attempt. Be sure to review the retake policies and discuss your plan with a course mentor.

Q: How similar are the practice assessments (PA) to the OA?

A: The practice assessments (PA) are very similar to the OA, providing a good representation of the types and format of questions you will encounter in the actual exam.

Q: What should I do if I need help understanding a concept or topic? 

A: Reach out to your course mentor for personalized assistance, join study groups, participate in online forums, and use additional resources provided by WGU to clarify any doubts.

Q: How can I stay motivated throughout the course? 

A: Set clear goals, track your progress, celebrate small achievements, stay connected with peers for support, and remind yourself of the long-term benefits of mastering the course material.


Conclusion 📄

In wrapping up, we want to emphasize that succeeding in the Principles of Management WGU C483 module is entirely achievable with the right strategy and dedication. The advice provided in this article is designed to help you refine your study approach and tackle the course content effectively. Make sure to utilize the study guide we’ve provided to navigate the material efficiently and prepare thoroughly for the Objective Assessment (OA). Concentrate on essential topics such as strategic planning, total quality management, entrepreneurship, conflict and change management, human resource management, diversity, and organizational structure. Mastery of these key areas will not only help you pass the OA but also equip you with valuable skills for your future career. Good luck with your studies! Stay focused, stay organized, and remember that thorough preparation is the key to your success in the Principles of Management module. You’ve got this!


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