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How to Pass the Agile HR WGU D359 OA

Welcome, fellow students, to our comprehensive guide designed to help you succeed in the “Agile HR WGU D359 ” module! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, unsure of where to start, or struggling to prepare for the Objective Assessment (OA), you’ve come to the right place. We’re here to guide you through every step of the way, providing all the information you need to master this module. Our goal is to break down the course content into manageable pieces, offering clear explanations and practical tips that will help you build your understanding and confidence. Whether you’re just beginning your studies or looking for targeted advice on specific topics, we’ve got you covered.

In this article, we will cover;

So, stick with us, stay dedicated, and you’ll find yourself well on your way to mastering Agile HR. Let’s embark on this journey together and achieve success in “Agile HR WGU D359”!


About the module D359📖

Welcome to the Agile HR module, an essential course that delves into the principles of Agile operations and Agile project management through the lens of human resource management. This module is designed to equip you with the skills needed to navigate and thrive in today’s dynamic workplace. Throughout the course, you will explore key concepts such as design thinking, building value for employees, change management, adaptability, and strategic prioritization. These areas are crucial for developing the resilience and flexibility required to succeed as an HR professional in a rapidly changing environment.

With the above breakdown, you will learn how Agile methodologies can be used to improve HR practices and organizational competencies as you advance in the course. The content of the delivered course is arranged in a way to offer action-oriented knowledge about change management and organizational culture that promotes employees’ involvement and ongoing enhancement. In other words, by embracing design thinking, you will discover how to create a useful and valuable approach to problem-solving as well as solutions. Further, it will describe leadership and change management strategies that will enable managers to handle change processes efficiently within their organizations.

By completing this module you will acquire the below competencies.

  • Competency 1: Explains Agile HR (Chapters 1-6)
  • Competency 2: Explains Agile HR Toolkit (Chapters 7-12)
  • Competency 3: Analyzes HR’s Role in Agile Transformation (Chapters 13-18)

All of these areas are crucial for the final exam, therefore it is important to revise them in detail. Make it a point to be an involved learner within the course, respond to discussions, and reflect on course concepts in practice. With a fundamental understanding of Agile HR tenets, you will be poised to confront the challenges presented in the final exam and, even more, succeed in your practice as an HR professional. Do not forget, that flexibility is important when working with the Agile HR module, and with the right preparations, you can succeed and bring changes for the better to your company. 

WGU D359 Study Guide to Ace the OA📝

In this section of the article, you can find our step-by-step guide on how to best prepare for the Agile HR D359 OA. This guide is developed by conducting our own comprehensive research into the course material as well as the former course takers of WGU. By following our study guide, you will be able to learn the course content with ease and get confident with the knowledge in no time. It is important that you go through this guide at your own pace. Remember.. it is not a race to pass the module, your main focus should be to acquire new knowledge.

Week 1 – Download the note-taking guide

One of the most important documents to assist you in your studies on module D359 is the note-taking guide provided by WGU. You can easily find this document by navigating to the course search section of the module and opening the link “D359 Agile HR Study Guide”. There you will find the link to download the Excel sheet named “D359 Study Guide Students.xlsx”.

We will be utilizing this document throughout our studies on this module so download it and keep it in an easily accessible area. This document contains a list of questions divided into each section of the module that will test your knowledge of the respective topics. This will allow us to evaluate the knowledge we gained in each topic and identify any missed theories in the topic, Take notes on the core concepts, and keep track of our progress in the course content. As we acquire knowledge of Agile HR, we will answer each question and complete the document gradually.

Week 2 – Read the Textbook

To begin our journey into the course content, we have chosen the Textbook to be our first study material. The Textbook is equipped with all the necessary knowledge you need to obtain to pass the OA. It is presented in a very structured manner which first teaches you the foundations of the subject matter and then builds up on that knowledge to provide you with the complicated theories on Agile. So just by going through the Textbook, you will be able to master the course content and overcome the OA easily. To find the Textbook,

  • Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Agile HR WGU D359 > Click on  “Go to course materials

While you read through the Textbook, you will come across several knowledge checks and section-end quizzes to help you retain the knowledge you have learned. Make sure to complete these quizzes to utilize the Textbook to its maximum capacity. Also, use the note-taking guide we downloaded in the first step of the study guide and gradually answer the question on each topic to slowly complete the document. Once it is completed, you will be able to use it as your short notes to refresh your memory on the course content with ease.

Week 3 – Prepare for the assessments

Now that you have gained the knowledge required to pass the OA, let us go through some preparation steps to strengthen our knowledge. First, let us quickly revise the course content once more by going through the Know to Pass Slides provided by WGU. To find this resource, navigate to the location mentioned below.

  • Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Agile HR WGU D359 > Go to Course search > Open link “D359 Agile HR Know To Pass Slides

Here you will find the links to each section of the Know to Pass Slides. Go through each of them to refresh your memory on the core concepts of D359. (Also you can utilize the “D359 Agile HR Quizlet Vocabulary

“ document in the course search section to help you with this task as well)

Once you have gone through the slides, let us attempt some practice quizzes to test our skills on module D359. Use the below-mentioned practice test to evaluate your knowledge of the topics covered in the Textbook.

  • Log onto the Student Portal of WGU > Go to the module Agile HR WGU D359 > Go to Course search > Open link “D359 Agile HR OA Prep

Week 4 – Take the Pre-A

In this step, we will utilize the Pre-A to evaluate your memory and understand the depth of your knowledge on module D359. Even though this is a mock assessment, treat it as the real OA to get an accurate estimate of your knowledge. Try your best to replicate the same environment as you would have in a real exam and go through the Pre-A.

Once you complete the Pre-A, a coaching guide will be auto-generated based on your performance. You will be able to find this coaching guide at the bottom of the module page instead of the usual location as in other modules. Once you locate the coaching guide, open the document and go through it to understand your weak points. This coaching guide will help you pinpoint the areas where you need to work to have a better score in your future attempts. So go through these recommendations and refresh your knowledge in these areas by revisiting the Textbook and the note-taking guide.

If you failed the Pre-A in your first attempt, retake the Pre-A and try to achieve a score above 85%. Repeat this step until you successfully pass the Pre-A.

Week 5 – Face the OA

Congratulations on your success so far.. Now that you have arrived at the end of your journey, all you need to do is pass the OA of Agile HR WGU D359. You have already proven that you are competent enough to pass the OA in your first attempt by using the Pre-A. So without hesitation, schedule the OA at a time of your convenience.

Before sitting for the OA, test your network connectivity to ensure you have a stable connection to the internet. Test your webcam and microphone to check if they are in working condition. Carefully read the proctoring guidelines to make sure there will be no complications during the exam. And most importantly, be confident in yourself and give it your best.

Good Luck!!


External Resources to Study📂

  • Flashcards to help you study the core concepts of D359 – Link

  • Supplementary videos on YouTube – Link

  • Agile SCRUM methodology crash course – Link

  • Udemy courses to follow – Course#1 , Course#2

  • Tutorials for Agile concepts – Link#1 , Link#2


Key Topics to Focus On 🔑

Agile for HR vs HR for AGILE

The concepts “Agile for HR” and “HR for Agile” may sound similar, but in general, it is referring to two different concepts regarding human resource management and Agile environments. Here is the breakdown;

Agile for HR:

Agile for HR refers to the application of Agile principles and practices within the HR function itself. This approach aims to improve HR processes and make them more responsive, efficient, and aligned with the needs of the organization and its employees. Key aspects include:

Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile for HR focuses on being adaptable to changing circumstances, whether it’s updating recruitment processes or quickly responding to employee feedback.

Iterative Processes: HR tasks, such as performance reviews, employee training, and onboarding, are handled in iterative cycles, allowing for continuous improvement and adjustment.

Employee-Centric Approach: Emphasizes creating value for employees, enhancing their experience, and ensuring their needs are met effectively.

Collaboration and Transparency: Promotes a collaborative environment within HR teams and with other departments, ensuring transparency and better communication.

HR for Agile:

HR for Agile focuses on how the HR department supports and enables the implementation of Agile methodologies across the entire organization. This involves creating a culture and environment where Agile teams can thrive. Key aspects include:

Talent Management: Recruiting, developing, and retaining talent that fits well within an Agile framework. This includes hiring individuals who are adaptable, collaborative, and open to continuous learning.

Training and Development: Providing training programs and development opportunities that equip employees with the skills needed to work effectively in Agile teams.

Performance Management: Designing performance management systems that align with Agile principles, such as regular feedback, setting short-term goals, and fostering a growth mindset.

Cultural Transformation: Promoting a company culture that embraces Agile values like collaboration, flexibility, and customer focus. This might involve change management initiatives to shift organizational mindsets and behaviors.

In conclusion, Agile for HR means implementing the Agile approach to the HR activities, turning HR into Agile. Finally, the term ‘‘HR for Agile’’ refers to how the human resources department can facilitate Agile practices throughout the business. Both are indispensable for creating conditions necessary for Agile implementation, but both refer to different aspects of the Agile implementation process.

What is the Waterfall approach to projects

Aspect Details
Key Characteristics

- Sequential Phases
- Detailed Documentation
- Predictability
- Rigidity

  1. Requirement Analysis: Gather and document all project requirements.
  2. System Design: Create system architecture and design.
  3. Implementation (Coding): Translate design into code.
  4. Integration and Testing: Assemble and test the system.
  5. Deployment: Deploy the system to the production environment.
  6. Maintenance: Provide ongoing support and updates.

- Clear Structure: Easy to understand and manage.
- Well-Defined Milestones: Specific deliverables and milestones.
- Documentation: Provides a clear reference for stakeholders.


- Inflexibility: Difficult to implement changes after a phase is completed.
- Risk of Incomplete Requirements: Can lead to issues if requirements are not fully understood initially.
- Late Testing: Problems discovered late can be costly to fix.

Roles of SCRUM

Role Description Key Responsibilities
Product Owner
Responsible for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Development Team.

- Defining and prioritizing the product backlog items.
- Clearly communicating product goals and requirements.
- Ensuring the team understands the items in the product backlog.

Scrum Master
Serves as a facilitator for the Scrum Team, ensuring that Scrum practices are followed and helping the team stay on track by removing impediments.

- Coaching the team in self-organization and cross-functionality.
- Facilitating Scrum events.
- Removing obstacles that impede progress.
- Protecting the team from outside interruptions and distractions.

Development Team
Consists of professionals who work together to deliver a potentially releasable product increment at the end of each Sprint.
- Collaborating on product development and problem-solving. - Managing their own work and tasks. - Ensuring the product increment meets the Definition of Done. - Holding each other accountable.


Conclusion 📄

As you embark on your journey through the Agile HR D359 module, we hope the advice and insights provided in this article will enhance your study approach and help you navigate the course with confidence. By following our study guide and focusing on the key topics, you will be well-prepared to excel in the Objective Assessment and gain a deep understanding of Agile HR principles. Remember to leverage the resources and strategies we’ve discussed to make your study sessions more effective and enjoyable. Stay committed, remain adaptable, and actively engage with the course material to master the concepts covered in this module.

We wish you the best of luck in your studies and your pursuit of becoming a successful HR professional. Stay dedicated, and success will surely follow!


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